Advertising Rates on PsM 2021/2022

Advert rates pro year:

Rate Advert type
35€ “Box Advert” on Home Page linked to advertisers own web site
60€ “Box Advert” on Home Page and a FULL PAGE advert on PsM site, available through main menu on pages
75€ “Stacked Advert” appearing at bottom on EVERY PsM page, linked to advertisers own web presence (site/FB/etc)
100€ “Stacked Advert” appearing at bottom on EVERY PsM page, linked to Full Page advert on PsM site


  • All graphics for adverts must be supplied by the advertiser.  
  • The supplied graphic must be a jpeg image. It’s dimensions can be larger than the display size on the PsM page, allowing for easier design.  If it is larger, it must of course still be legible when scaled down on the PsM page!  
  • Box Adverts image must have an image ratio of 98x68 (width x height in pixels).
  • Stacked adverts must be landscape orientation, similar to a credit card. 358 pixels is the display width for all stacked adverts.  An advert that has dimensions of 358x227 is exactly that ratio required. A height less than 227 is acceptable.
  • Full page adverts on the PsM site can contain anything supplied by the advertiser. They must give all text content required plus any images.  We will make any links to their own web presence into active links and protect any email addresses included from “web spam harvesters” in the content.



Sofia Nikolakea Language Studio
Mani Hospitality Service
HEPHAISTOS Haus- und Gartenservice West Mani
Accommodation Hub
Vet in Stoupa
Etsi Architects
House Finders Peloponnese
Everything Mani

Sea water temperature
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Mani Cars
Valavanis Properties
Mani Apartments
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